In healthcare across the globe and particularly in India, there is a skill gap, which results in an inadequate number of people being available for medical, nursing and paramedical recruitment. Considering this, we have embarked on a solution for you, in which we connect the candidate with hospitals/healthcare organizations. This is done through a combination of manpower and technology. This website and app will enable you to identify candidates who are good for your hospital quickly, efficiently and at the press of a button. Similarly, if you are doctor, a nurse, or a paramedical person, seeking a job then you can post your profile on clinical recruiter, this will be seen quickly by potential employer. We will connect and complete the remaining activity speedily. For further information please call 9538101023 or email at  or visit website


Absence of doctors, nurses or technicians in healthcare, at short notice is a difficult situation. So also finding a temporary replacement. Shyamrad has a solution. We are creating a data bank with profiles of suitable trained personnel who are available for locum positions.

We will also interact with hospitals and remain aware of such requirements from them. Thus, Shyamrad will be a one stop solution for hospitals requiring assistance in identifying locum manpower.

We are working on a technology solution to enable this connect in a seamless fashion. For further information please call 9538101023 or email at


Apart from finding clinical talent for permanent and locum positions, our product is also equipped to search for and find talent in the areas of hospital administration, clinical administration and other positions in the administrative hierarchy of hospitals and healthcare facilities. We assure that good quality resources with excellent training and pedigree are available in our data bank and can be connected to you swiftly. With the use of technology in a seamless manner of closing positions we ensure least discomfort to both the applicant and the hospital, we also assure you of privacy to the extent that you desire and will work with you to meet the requirements of the employer and employee. For further information please call 9538101023 or email at 


Training in medical schools, nursing schools and paramedical schools prepares you in all aspects of clinical work. However, soft skills, personality development and similar skills are not addressed. We can help train such people, in specific, identified areas. This will go a long way in improving productivity and also searching and obtaining better jobs. For further information please call 9538101023 or email at 


We also offer mentorship in areas of medical administration with particular reference to clinical governance which is an area least addressed in many countries. Leadership of  doctors and nurses requires specific skills which will enable good clinical outcomes, appropriate governance and management of all clinical aspects such as Infection control, Clinical appropriateness and clinical recruitment. This will help train Doctors and nurses as clinical leaders which will go a long way in improving their job opportunities. For future information please call or email at 


CONSULTING: Our organization is pleased to provide you assistance for consulting in all aspect of the healthcare. It could be that you wish to start a project and you need assistance, or it could be that you need to have direction in running an existing organization. We also provide consultancy in clinical governance, administration and projects. This consultancy is provided by people who have worked and have substantial experience in the field. For further information please call 9538101023 or email at 

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CAREER COUNSELING: Not everyone is born to accomplished parents who can help shape one’s personal and professional development! Not everyone has a proven lineage to inherit, imbibe, and put into practice! Does that mean those deprived of legacy stand no chance or little chance to move up the value chain!. Not at all!

All professionals, regardless of pedigree, have an equal opportunity to achieve the same level of success as any privileged individual provided you deliver what it takes! ‘What it takes’ is what we cover in our career counseling sessions.

Whether you are a nurse or CEO, you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to!

Write to us/Call us for a deep dive into Career Counseling!, Phone number : +91 98454 55217

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